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  • 英文版notepad怎么设置中文

    正文概述 管理员   2024-08-29   21

    To set the Chinese language in the English version of Notepad, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Open Notepad and go to "File" > "Save As" to save a file.

    2. In the "Save As" dialog box, click the drop-down menu next to "Encoding" and select "UTF-8."

    3. In the "Save As" dialog box, enter a name for the file, and also add ".txt" at the end of the file name.

    4. Now go to "Format" > "Font" to open the "Font" dialog box.

    5. In the "Font" dialog box, select your desired Chinese font from the list.

    6. You can also adjust the font size, style, and other settings in the "Font" dialog box.

    7. Once you have selected the desired font settings, click "OK" to save the changes.

    Now you can start writing in Chinese in Notepad. To switch between English and Chinese input, you can use the language bar on your computer.

    To set a Notepad for Chinese in English version, you first need to ensure that your Windows operating system supports and has installed Chinese language pack.

    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Press the Windows key and type "Language settings" in the search bar, then select "Language settings" from the results.

    2. Click on "Add a language," and select "Chinese (Simplified)" or "Chinese (Traditional)" according to your preference.

    3. After adding Chinese as a language, click on it and look for the "Options" button. Click on it to open more settings.

    4. Check if "Microsoft Pinyin" or "Microsoft Quick" is added to the keyboard list under "Keyboards." If not, click "Add a keyboard" and select either "Microsoft Pinyin" or "Microsoft Quick" from the list.

    5. Open Notepad, and from the taskbar, select the "ENG" icon and switch it to "中文" for Chinese input.

    Once you have set up Notepad for Chinese input, you can start typing in Chinese by using the selected input method, either Pinyin or Quick, and the characters will appear on the screen.

    In summary, to set up Notepad for Chinese input on an English version of Windows, you need to add Chinese language support to Windows, add a Chinese input method to the keyboard settings, and switch the input method to Chinese while using Notepad.

    站长源码网 » 英文版notepad怎么设置中文


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